The PM Track is designed to train individuals who have prior training or experience in medicine, nursing, laboratory science, public health, or other health or research-related disciplines to work as a member of a research team in support of cancer research. Training will involve bilateral interactions between mentors and trainees in both SSA and the US, who will partner to develop and implement best research practices. During the first two months of the program trainees will undertake the PROMOTE Africa Core Curriculum together with the Principal Investigator Track trainees. After completing the PROMOTE track, trainees will participate in the Project Management (PM) track, during which they will participate in a 4-month Best Practices in Project Management training that will entail watching videos on different topics and attending and participating in weekly discussions. PM trainess will then receive extensive preparation and access to material to prepare to take the Project Management Institute’s Certified Associate in Project Management exam. Trainess will have access to mentors during the training and should anticipate a time commitment of 4-5 hours/week during this training period.
Describe the features of the training program that you believe will help you to attain your professional goals and lead to a successful research career (250-500 Words)